Sunday, January 30, 2011

A couple of days ago, I was in my local Super Target grocery shopping. I was towards the front of the store in the produce area, when from the back in the dairy area, I heard a toddler scream out at the top of her lungs, " I WANT IT, I WANT IT NOW! Now the odd thing is, in my mind I immediately started hearing the same song by Queen. I was just about at the rockin' guitar part, when I realized what an untamed little brat this was, and why wasn't her parent doing us all a favor by shutting her up. What an indignant kid. But it wasn't really her fault.

A day later, the ghost of that kid was still with me. I started thinking about, how in our current digital high tech society, we are just like that kid. We want it, and we want it now. We live with instant access of information, and communication. From entertainment to finances, what used to take days, now takes seconds.

The challenge with that, is that our physical world doesn't work like that. We like to think we can control things, that are out of our control. Time and weather, are the first things that come to mind. We try to work with time by how we use it, but it keeps moving forward. It's the tagline from the old newsreel, " Time marches on.." We plan it, mark it, record it, but we can't stop it. So because we live in this instant gratification, fast forward world, we start to expect immediate results all the time. But things don't work that way. We see messages for instant results for cold sores, clogged drains, indigestion, and our weight. We become frustrated because the promises don't match the results.

The hard part, is also fairly easy. We just need to pause, not stop, and realize that all things in life work on their own time. I remember from one of the Star Trek movies ( the one where Kirk dies ) Malcom McDonald's character is some sort of evil scientist, bent on trying to shift time so he can go into some parallel dimension. In the end of the movie, he realizes you can't control time. The same goes for us, all we can do is observe and just be. We need to try and stop our tendencies to demand something that we have little control over. The sun will rise tomorrow, but we can't control if it's going to be sunny or rain.

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